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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.261

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winIDEA Integration Development Environment (IDE) delivers the visual insights required to debug your embedded application. It provides all the usual functionality of an IDE (breakpoints, stepping and device programming). Supported by a target microcontroller, winIDEA can also visualize the timing and code coverage of the application via the trace interface, as well as combine data captured by the IOM6 Accessories. Various third-parties also provide software tools to perform advanced worst-time-execution analysis based upon the data winIDEA can export. When a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) is in use, the state of the RTOS and its tasks can also be visualized.


Since most of winIDEA functionality is carefully crafted around the various microcontroller families we support, make sure to read the:

MCU reference manual (provided by the silicon vendor)

MCU data sheet (provided by the silicon vendor)

Architecture-specific notes, which cover relevant details and winIDEA configuration specifics for your MCU


winIDEA features several Debug Windows and plugins for better insight into the application and microcontroller behavior. They offer insight in the memory contents, variable values, current callstack, disassembly reconstruction, special function register values and descriptions.


Other documentation and videos:

Knowledge Base



Video Tutorials

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