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Verified build release notes



Supported IDE features and graphics

View menu

View menu items grouped into functional categories.

Debug: Callstack, Core Registers, Disassembly, Locals, Memory, SFRs, Symbols, Symbols Browser, Tasks, This, Watches

Project: Build, Project

Workspace: Find in Files, Output, Progress, Script, Terminal, Tools


Cortex-M MPU Plugin

Plugin is used to view the number of Cortex-M MPU regions, with the location address, size, access permissions, and memory attributes of each region. Cortex-M MPU is supported for following architectures: ARMv6-M, ARMv7-M, ARMv8-M


Internal watchdog

Check box added to Hardware menu / CPU Options / Reset tab. Supported on devices where watchdog is enabled by device. In the opposite case it is grayed out.


Folder view

Gives a quick access to files in the workspace folder and any external folders. Open via View menu / Workspace / Folders.



Newly supported devices

ARM Cortex

Dialog Semiconductor - DA14691/5/7 variants

ST STM32H742 - Added support for variants STM32H742AG, STM32H742AI, STM32H742BG, STM32H742BI, STM32H742IG, STM32H742II, STM32H742VG, STM32H742VI, STM32H742XG, STM32H742XI, STM32H742ZG, STM32H742ZI

i.MX 8X family - Added i.MX 8DX derivative

TI AWR1843 - Added support


Cypress PSoC4 HV PA (CY8C41xxLCE-HV) device family

AWR1843 - Added support


Infineon TriCore

TC3Ex device family - Added support for derivates: TC3E7QG, TC3E7QX, TC3E7QC, TC3E7QF


NXP/ST Power Architecture

ST SPC58VQ8499 (Chorus 6M cut 2.x) derivate  - Added support

S32R264 - Added support



Known issues

Refer to this document for more information.



Other regular updates and features

NXP/ST Power Architecture

Disable the Watchdog option added to MPC5xxx (Pictus, Bolero) in Hardware menu / CPU Options / Reset tab.



1. Analyzer - DWT Exception trace - Added support for Cortex-M devices

2. Initialization sequence: Option Initialization before Debug session is now always used with Reset in Hardware menu / CPU Options / Reset tab / Initialization section.

3. Aurix plugin - Renewed with additional view - RCU (Reset Control Unit). The plugin has now four views (MCX, Clocks, UCB and RCU), which can be loaded by selecting View / <core>.Aurix:


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