Deprecated List
Member IConnect::EDetachFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnect::EDetachFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnect::ELaunchFlags
Use flags from isys::IConnect::ELaunchFlags. For C++ add namespace prefix isys:: in the code, for other languages the flags moved to i_ConnectTypes.h are automatically used. This enum is provided for backwards compatibility only.
Member iconnect::putStrStrMap (StrStrMap &container, const std::string &key, const std::string &value)
SWIG generates wrappers for C++ std containers, so new items can be added with Python syntax, for example: ‘smap['x’] = 'y'`.
Member IConnectDebug2::ECodeCacheOp
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug2::ECodeCacheOp (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::EAccessFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::EAccessFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::EBreakpointFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::EBreakpointFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::EEvaluate
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::EEvaluate (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::EGetAddressFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::EGetAddressFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::ERunControlFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::ERunControlFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectDebug::ESymbolFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectDebug::ESymbolFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectIDE::EDocumentExportParameter
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectIDE::EDocumentExportParameter (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectIDE::EDocumentResetParameter
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectIDE::EDocumentResetParameter (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectProfiler::EConfigFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectProfiler::EConfigFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectProfiler::EGetStatusFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectProfiler::EGetStatusFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectProject::EOptionFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectProject::EOptionFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::ECreateVariableExFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::ECreateVariableExFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::EEvaluateFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::EEvaluateFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::EState
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::EState (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::EStatusFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::EStatusFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::EStubFlags
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::EStubFlags (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member IConnectTest::EStubState
For C++ use flags from isys::IConnectTest::EStubState (i_ConnectTypes.h), for other languages the right type is automatically used. Provided for backwards compatibility.
Member isys::CAnalyzerDocController::exportAs (IConnectIDE::EDocumentExportParameter scope, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &format)
use method exportData() in derived classes.
Member isys::CAnalyzerDocController::exportAs (IConnectIDE::EDocumentExportParameter scope, const std::string &fileName, DWORD format)
use method exportData() in derived classes.
Member isys::CAnalyzerDocController::exportAsAndLaunchViewer (IConnectIDE::EDocumentExportParameter scope, const std::string &fileName, DWORD format)
use method exportData() in derived classes.
Member isys::CAnalyzerDocController::setExportFormat (const std::string &exportFormat)
use method exportData() in derived classes.
Member isys::CDAQController::attachHW ()
this call is no longer required, it does nothing.
Member isys::CDAQController::configAdd (BYTE size, BYTE memArea, ADDRESS address, EDAQSamplingFlags sampling=daqSampleMax)
in 9.21.2, use method configure().
Member isys::CDAQController::configAdd (const std::string &symbol, EDAQSamplingFlags sampling=daqSampleMax)
in 9.21.2, use method configure().
Member isys::CDAQController::configReset ()
in 9.21.2 and later. If you are still using the deprecated configAdd() methods, call this method to clear all added samples.
Member isys::CDAQController::detachHW ()
this call is no longer required, it does nothing.
Member isys::CDAQController::enableCore (bool enable)
in 9.21.2 and later this method has no effect. You may remove it from your code.
Member isys::CDAQInfo::getNumItems () const
in 9.21.2, always throws. Call CDAQController::getNumItems() instead.
Member isys::CDAQInfo::getTick_ns () const
in 9.21.2, always returns 1000. Times returned by CDAQSample::getTime() are always in microseconds now, so this method is no longer needed.
Member isys::CDAQStatus::getCoreEnable () const
in 9.21.2. Always returns the same value as getGlobalEnable().
Member isys::CDataController::configureStackUsage (const std::string &start, const std::string &end, unsigned char value)
use CConfigurationController::ide_app() to control stack configuration instead. See python example.
Member isys::CDataController::configureStackUsage (ADDRESS_64 start, ADDRESS_64 end, unsigned char value=0xcc)
use CConfigurationController::ide_app() to control stack configuration instead. Python example:
Member isys::CDataController::eraseFlash (int nDevice=-1)
use isys::CStorageDeviceController::erase() instead.
Member isys::CDataController::getTypedefs (int partition, TypedefVector &typedefs)
Use getTypes() instead.
Member isys::CHILController::getChannels (HILChannelVector &channels)
does not support new hardware, currently has no replacement
Member isys::CIDEController::commitOptions (const std::string &optionUrl)
This method terminates debugging session in most cases. Since all options are applied at start of debugging session, this method is no longer needed. For options applied during debugging session, use service call. For example, to apply hardware breakpoints, call
Member isys::CIDEController::commitOptions (DWORD destFlags)
This method terminates debugging session in most cases. Since all options are applied at start of debugging session, this method is no longer needed. For options applied during debugging session, use service call. For example, to apply hardware breakpoints, call
Member isys::CIDEController::getNumClients ()
Since this method does not count clients connected via shared memory, there is no good use case for it.
Member isys::CIDEController::parseServiceCallMap (const std::string &str, iconnect::StrStrMap &outParams)
due to serviceCall() methods deprecation this one is not needed anymore, call 'invoke(std::string, iconnect::StrStrMap, iconnect::StrStrMap)' Parses the given string and returns mapping of strings. The string should be obtained as return value from service call.
Member isys::CIDEController::serviceCall (const std::string &funcUrl, const std::string &params, int bufferSize=DEFAULT_OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE)
call method 'invoke(std::string, iconnect::StrStrMap, iconnect::StrStrMap)' This method invokes functions within winIDEA process. Use this method only when instructed by iSYSTEM support.
Member isys::CIDEController::serviceCall (const std::string &funcUrl, const iconnect::StrStrMap &inParams, iconnect::StrStrMap &outParams, int bufferSize=DEFAULT_OPTION_BUFFER_SIZE)
call method 'invoke(std::string, iconnect::StrStrMap, iconnect::StrStrMap)' This method invokes functions within winIDEA process. Use this method only when instructed by iSYSTEM support.
Class isys::CLoaderController
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead.
Member isys::CLoaderController::addToDownloadList (CLoaderController::DownloadListType listType, const std::string &fileName, bool isAbsolutePath, const std::string &options)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead. See python example.
Member isys::CLoaderController::addToDownloadList (CDownloadConfigurationSPtr downloadConfig, CLoaderController::DownloadListType listType, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &cmdLineOptions)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead. See python example.
Member isys::CLoaderController::clearDownloadList (CLoaderController::DownloadListType listType)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead. See python example.
Member isys::CLoaderController::CLoaderController (std::shared_ptr< ConnectionMgr > connectionMgr)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead.
Member isys::CLoaderController::getDownloadList (CLoaderController::DownloadListType listType, bool isAbsolutePath)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead. See python example.
Member isys::CLoaderController::removeFromDownloadList (CLoaderController::DownloadListType listType, int fileIndex)
Use CConfigurationController/COptionController and CSessionCtrl instead. See python example.
Class isys::CMulticoreConnectionMgr
since 9.21.209. Use ConnectionMgr instead.
Member isys::CMulticoreConnectionMgr::getCDataEController2 (const std::string &coreId)
since 2016-05-02, 9.12.179, because of typo in method name. Call getCDataController2() instead.
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::connect (const std::string &address, int iconnectPort)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::connect (uint32_t pid)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::ConnectionMgr (const std::string &rstrPath)
Use default constructor and then call connect(SPConnectionConfig) with CConnectionConfig::exe_dir() set to define directory where winIDEA.exe is located.
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::ConnectionMgr (ConnectionMgr::EVersionControl versionControl)
version control is always strict since 9.17.187. Use the parameterless constructor instead of this one.
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::connectMRU (const std::string &workspacePath="", const std::string &winIDEAId="", const std::string &hostIpAddress="", bool isUseServerEnvVars=true)
use connect(SPConnectionConfig) instead. connectMRU() without arguments can be replaced with connect().
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::connectMRUEx (const std::string &workspacePath, bool isAnyWinIDEAId, const std::string &winIDEAId, const std::string &hostIpAddress, bool isUseServerEnvVars)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::disconnect (IConnect::EDetachFlags flags=IConnect::dfCloseAutoSaveDefault)
use disconnect_keep / disconnect_close instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::disconnect (IConnect::EDetachFlags closeServerFlags, IConnect::EDetachFlags autoSaveFlags)
use disconnect_keep / disconnect_close instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::findExistingInstance (const std::string &address, SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::findOrStartInstance (SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::launchCore (int coreIndex, bool isPrimaryCoreIndexed=false)
This method does not work reliably when you have multiple instances of winIDEA with the same workspace opened. Use launchCore1() instead.
Member isys::ConnectionMgr::startNewInstance (SPConnectionConfig spConnectionConfig)
use connect(spConnectionConfig) instead
Class isys::CProfilerContext
this method will be removed or changed in one of future releases. This class contains information about profiler context (task, ISR, thread, ...). Context IDs are specified in timeline events.
Class isys::CProfilerController
This class is provided for backward compatibility only. Use isys::CProfilerController2 instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::getArea (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &areaPath, const std::string &stateAreaName)
if there is more than one area with the same name, this method returns the first one only. Use getArea(string areaQName) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::getArea (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &areaName)
if there is more than one area with the same name, this method returns the first one only. Use getArea(string areaQName) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::getContextIterator ()
this method will be removed or changed in one of future releases
Member isys::CProfilerData2::getStatistics (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &areaName)
if there is more than one area with the same name, this method returns stats for the first one only. Use getStatistics(string areaQName) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::getStatistics (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &parentAreaName, int64_t value)
use getStatistics(const std::string &areaPath, int64_t value); instead. Returns statistics for the specified state area. This is a convenience method - for best performance use getStatistics(id).
Member isys::CProfilerData2::hasArea (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &areaName)
Use hasArea(string areaQName) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::hasStatisticsForArea (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &areaName)
Use hasStatisticsForArea(string areaQName) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerData2::hasStatisticsForStateArea (CProfilerArea2::EAreaType areaType, const std::string &parentAreaName, int64_t value)
use hasStatisticsForStateArea(const std::string &areaPath, int64_t value)
Member isys::CProfilerExportConfig::isExportLines () const
since 9.12.36 profiler function lines are no longer supported. Always returns false.
Member isys::CProfilerExportConfig::isSaveInfo () const
9.17.81, Sept. 2018. Had no effect in the past, so there is no replacement. Always returns true.
Member isys::CProfilerExportConfig::setAreaExportSections (bool isExportFunctions, bool isExportLines, bool isExportData, bool isExportAUX)
since winIDEA 9.12.36 line information is no longer available. If 'isExportLines' is set to true, an exception is thrown. Use overload setAreaExportSections(bool, bool, bool) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerExportConfig::setSaveInfo (bool isSaveInfo)
9.17.81, Sept. 2018. Had no effect in the past, so there is no replacement.
Class isys::CProfilerStatistic
Use CProfilerController2 class instead of CProfilerController.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::EOutsideTimes
use EInactiveTimes instead
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getCallAverageTime () const
use getAverageTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the average call time for function execution. Call time is gross time plus time spent in other contexts (tasks, interrupts) between entry/exit of this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getCallMaxTime () const
use getMaxTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the max call time for function execution. Call time is gross time plus time spent in other contexts (tasks, interrupts) between entry/exit of this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getCallMinTime () const
use getMinTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the min call time for function execution. Call time is gross time plus time spent in other contexts (tasks, interrupts) between entry/exit of this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getCallTotalTime () const
use getTotalTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the total call time for function execution. Call time is gross time plus time spent in other contexts (tasks, interrupts) between entry/exit of this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getGrossAverageTime () const
use getAverageTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the average gross time for function execution. Gross time is time spent for code inside function body, AND sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getGrossMaxTime () const
use getMaxTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the max gross time for function execution. Gross time is time spent for code inside function body, AND sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getGrossMinTime () const
use getMinTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the min gross time for function execution. Gross time is time spent for code inside function body, AND sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getGrossTotalTime () const
use getTotalTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the total gross time for function execution. Gross time is time spent for code inside function body, AND sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getHandle () const
use getAreaId instead
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getNetAverageTime () const
use getAverageTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the average net time for function execution. Net time is time spent for code inside function body, without sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getNetMaxTime () const
use getMaxTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the max net time for function execution. Net time is time spent for code inside function body, without sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getNetMinTime () const
use getMinTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the min net time for function execution. Net time is time spent for code inside function body, without sub-functions called from this function.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getNetTotalTime () const
use getTotalTime(ETimeType) instead.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getOutsideAverageTime () const
use getAverageTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the average outside time for function execution. Outside Time indicates the time spent outside the body of the function or a state - where the function state is Inactive.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getOutsideMaxTime () const
use getMaxTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the max outside time for function execution. Outside Time indicates the time spent outside the body of the function or a state - where the function state is Inactive.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getOutsideMinTime () const
use getMinTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the min outside time for function execution. Outside Time indicates the time spent outside the body of the function or a state - where the function state is Inactive.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getOutsideTotalTime () const
use getTotalTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the total outside time for function execution. Outside Time indicates the time spent outside the body of the function or a state - where the function state is Inactive.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getPeriodAverageTime () const
use getAverageTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the average time between function invocation.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getPeriodMaxTime () const
use getMaxTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the maximum time between function invocation.
Member isys::CProfilerStatistics2::getPeriodMinTime () const
use getMinTime(ETimeType) instead. Returns the minimum time between function invocation.
Member isys::CProfilerTimeEvent::getHandle ()
since 9.12.295 (dec 2016). Use getAreaId() Returns ID of the area, for which event was recorded.
Member isys::CProfilerTimeEvent::getSignedValue ()
use getValue().
Member isys::CStackUsageConfig::getBase ()
use getBaseExpr(), because it can return expressions Returns low address of stack area.
Member isys::CStackUsageConfig::getEnd ()
use getBaseExpr(), because it can return expressions Returns high address of stack area.
Member isys::CSystemTestController::clean ()
call destroy() instead.
Member isys::CTestCase::CTestCase (isys::ConnectionMgrSPtr &connectionMgr)
use CTestCase(ConnectionMgrSPtr, CTestHostVarsSPtr) instead Initializes object with the given connection to winIDEA.
Member isys::CTestCase::getTestResults (isys::CTestSpecificationSPtr &testSpecification)
call getTestResults() without parameter instead
Member isys::CTestCase::itestCpp (const std::string &yamlSpec, iconnect::StrVector &differences, bool isDebug=false)
use itestCpp(yamlSpec, isDebug) instead.
Member isys::CTestCase::runTest (isys::CTestSpecificationSPtr &testSpec, iconnect::StrVector &differences, bool isDebug=false)
use runTest(testCase, testTimeout, isDebug, testFilter, filterCtrl) instead, create empty instance of testFilter with default ctor. CTestFilter().
Member isys::CTestCase::runTest (isys::CTestSpecificationSPtr &testSpec, iconnect::StrVector &differences, bool isDebug, const isys::CTestFilterSPtr &testFilter)
use runTest(testCase, testTimeout, isDebug, testFilter, filterCtrl) instead, create empty instance of testFilter with default ctor. CTestFilter().
Member isys::CTestCase::runTest (isys::CTestSpecificationSPtr &testSpec, iconnect::StrVector &differences, int testTimeout, bool isDebug, const isys::CTestFilterSPtr &testFilter)
use runTest(testCase, testTimeout, isDebug, testFilter, filterCtrl) instead, create empty instance of testFilter with default ctor. CTestFilter().
Member isys::CTestCase::runTest (isys::CTestSpecificationSPtr &testSpec, iconnect::StrVector &differences, int testTimeout, bool isDebug, const isys::CTestFilterSPtr &testFilter, const isys::CTestFilterControllerSPtr &filterCtrl)
use runTest(testCase, testTimeout, isDebug, testFilter, filterCtrl) instead
Member isys::CTestCaseController::clean ()
call destroy() instead.
Class isys::CTestCoverage
use CTestAnalyzer and CTestAnalyzerCoverage instead.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::getStackUsageConfig (bool isConst)
use getStackUsageOptions() instead
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::getStopFunction ()
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then get action from CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::isDeleteAllBPsOnInit ()
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then get action from CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::isDownloadOnInit ()
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then get action from CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::isResetOnInit ()
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then get action from CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::isRunOnInit ()
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then get action from CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::setDeleteAllBPsOnInit (iconnect::ETristate isDeleteAllBPs)
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then set action in CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::setDownloadOnInit (iconnect::ETristate isDownload)
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then set action in CInitSequence. This function should not be used for multicore init sequences, because order of actions can not be specified.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::setResetOnInit (iconnect::ETristate isReset)
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then set action in CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::setRunOnInit (iconnect::ETristate isRun)
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then set action in CInitSequence.
Member isys::CTestEnvironmentConfig::setStopFunction (const std::string &stopFunction)
use getTestBaseList(E_SECTION_INIT_SEQUENCE) and then set action in CInitSequence.
Class isys::CTestProfiler
use CTestAnalyzer and CTestAnalyzerProfiler instead.
Member isys::CTestReportConfig::getXsltForErrors ()
only one xslt may be specified, call getXsltForFullReport(). Returns the name of the file to use as XML Stylesheet for report, which contains errors only.
Member isys::CTestSpecification::getCoverage (bool isConst)
call getAnalyzer().getCoverage() instead.
Member isys::CTestSpecification::getExpectedResults (iconnect::StrVector &expectedResults)
use getAssert() instead.
Member isys::CTestSpecification::getProfiler (bool isConst)
call getAnalyzer().getProfiler() instead.
Member isys::CTestSpecification::getTrace (bool isConst)
call getAnalyzer().getTrace() instead.
Member isys::CTestSpecification::setTags (const std::string &tags)
use setTags(StrVector) Sets tags.
Class isys::CTestTrace
use CTestAnalyzer and CTestAnalyzerTrace instead.
Member isys::CTraceCSVExportFormat::isFunctionTree ()
Always returns false. This option has been removed from trace exports, do not call this method, it will be removed in future release.
Member isys::CTraceCSVExportFormat::setFunctionTree (bool isFunctionTree)
This option has been removed from trace exports, do not call this method, it will be removed in future release