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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Navigation: IDE Extensions and Plugins > Eclipse Plugin

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Debugging in Eclipse IDE

Before debugging in Eclipse IDE you have to:

Install Debug Plugin

Install winIDEA

Create a project in Eclipse/CDT

Create a debug configuration



Installing the plugin

Some IDEs have already included the plugin. If the plugin is already installed  next steps can be skipped.


The plugin uses Eclipse’s standard installation procedure. Launch Eclipse and Help / Install New Software. In the Work with text field enter: and follow the installation wizard.





If there is an available update for the plugin, you can update the plugin via Help / Check for Updates.



Installing winIDEA

For installing and updating the winIDEA select the main menu option Window / Preferences and click on the iSYSTEM menu item.




You can chooses between two options on which winIDEA installation to use.


Use embedded installation - Automatic installation. This option also enables updating winIDEA to the latest available version. If there is a new version of winIDEA available on the web a message is displayed on top: Click the Update button to update winIDEA to the latest available version. You can update winIDEA by clicking the Update button. When the latest version of the winIDEA is used a message is displayed on top in the Preferences window: winIDEA is up to date.



The option Use embedded installation is enabled by default and installation of winIDEA is automatically done when opening Preferences.


Use this installation - You can manually select specific winIDEA. By clicking on Browse button select the directory containing the wanted winIDEA.exe executable.



Creating a project in Eclipse/CDT

How to create a project, write some code, and compile it is described in the Eclipse/CDT help. Make sure you know the name and location of the output file, which should be downloaded to the target.



Creating a debug configuration

Before running a debugger from Eclipse, create a debug configuration. Debug configuration is available through:

Run / Debug Configurations

Debug / Debug Configuration


Select TASKING winIDEA and create a new configuration.




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