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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

MSG Queue

The MQX MSG Queue List view displays detailed information about all available msg queue parameters.

Image below depicts an example of msg queue snapshot. Each row with the same color, represents one msg queue with multiple parameters. Double click on the item will open new window with more detailed description.





The functionality of each listed timer parameter is described inside the following table:

Parameter name


MSGQ addr

Pointer to the MSGQ structure

Queue num

Queue number.

Num of entries

The current number of messages on the queue.

Max entries

The maximum number of messages that can be placed on this queue.


The type of this queue: MSG QUEUE or SYSTEM MSG QUEUE.

Task name

Owner task (task which OPENED) the queue.

Notification function

A function can be called asynchronously when a message is put onto the message queue.

Notification function param

Parameter passed to the notification function.


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