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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260


The MQX Task List view displays detailed information about all available tasks parameters. Each row represents one task with multiple task parameters. Currently running task is highlighted. Double click on entry will show location of the function.

The MQX Task List view menu provides icons to open all additional views (semaphores, queues, timers,…).




The functionality of each listed task parameter is described inside the following table:

Parameter name



The task name.


Assigned task identification number.


Pointer to the root function for the task. When MQX creates the task, the task begins running at this address.

Stack usage

Indicates how much task stack is used.

Stack size

Size of the task stack.


Software priority of the task


Attributes of tasks that MQX creates from the template

Creation Parameter

Passed to tasks that MQX creates from the template

Default time slice

If the task uses round robin scheduling and the field is non-zero, MQX uses the value as the task’s time slice value. If the task uses round robin scheduling and the field is 0, MQX uses the default time slice value.


State of the task (ready or blocked)


Task error


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