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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260


The PikeOS Task List view displays detailed information about all available task parameters.


Each row represents one task with multiple task parameters. Currently running task is highlighted. Currently active address space is marked with an arrow. Double click on entry will show all task related threads.

The PikeOS Task List view menu provides icons to automatically or manually refresh tasks and an icon to switch address space for a selected task. If task address space was changed, it will be automatically restored on CPU step / run.





The functionality of each listed task parameter is described inside the following table:

Parameter name


TD ptr

Pointer to the task descriptor structure


Task name


Assigned task identification number


Maximum controlled priority number


State of the task

Parent ID

Task ID of the parent task

Res. Part.

ID of task-related resource partition

Num. Threads

Number of threads in the task


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