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Creating a custom SFR window

With custom SFR window you can manage a large number of SFRs and monitor only a few registers.



Select View / Debug / SFRs / New Custom SFR.



Drag and drop SFRs from the main SFR window.

Whole groups or standalone registers from the main SFR Windows can be added to the new window using drag-and-drop.

If several custom SFR windows are created, they can be selected from the View / Debug / SFRs  drop-down menu.  



To monitor the contents of only a few SFRs, you can drag and drop them to Watches, where they behave just as any other Watch item.



Sharing custom SFR windows

For every SFR Window you create, a configuration file is written in the project directory with the name of <window name>.CSF. This file can be shared to anyone who would need the new window. Only the .CSF file needs to be copied to the project directory of the other user. Upon opening the project the next time, the new SFR window will be available in the View / Debug / SFRs.



Deleting custom SFR windows

If a custom SFR window should be deleted, delete the <window name>.CSF file in the project directory.

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