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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260


This chapter explains general winIDEA configuration options for winIDEA SDK. Open Tools | Options | winIDEA SDK.


If you want to use winIDEA SDK  to control winIDEA (for example testIDEA or Python scripts), then winIDEA must act as a server, while testIDEA and scripts are clients. By default a shared memory communication is established, which needs no configuration, but it works only when winIDEA server and clients are running on the same host. In this case you do not need to have isystem.connect enabled over TCP/IP.




Enable isystem.connect over TCP/IP - Check if you want to control winIDEA from remote host, or you are running winIDEA under Wine on Linux.

TCP Connection Port Range - Defines, which ports winIDEA tries to use for communication. It uses the first free port found in the given range.

UDP Discovery Port - Defines port, where winIDEA listens for discovery requests.

Limit number of client - The number of clients can be limited to avoid accidental connection of more than one client, which is not wanted in most cases.

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