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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Workspace Security

With a password, you can assign a security level to a workspace and restrict unauthorized users from accessing critical functionalities. An authorized user obtains permission by entering the same password.



Set password

By setting a Workspace password, you restrict certain functionality to authorized users only.


1. Open Tools | Security.

2. Via the Restricted Features button, tick those functionalities, for which you want restricted access.

3. In the Workspace section, enter a password and confirm it by the Set button. When the workspace is successfully password-protected, the description area turns red.





Only the authorized user is allowed to change the Workspace password and modify the Restricted Features. This can be done only when the description area is in the green stage.



Access to restricted functionalities

As an authorized user, you have to enter the set workspace password to access restricted functionalities.


1. Open Tools | Security.

2. In the User section, enter the set password and confirm it by the Set button. When successfully authenticated, the description area turns green.




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