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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197


This chapter describes how to configure SoCs. Open Debug / Configure Session / SoCs / Add or Edit.





Name - Give it a meaningful name.

If multiple devices of the same type are used, they should be given distinctive names to be able to distinguish between them.

If this is left empty, the device is accessed by its Device name.


Device - Start typing in the field the exact Device which is used in the target system. You can use vendor's naming as well, e.g. Traveo, Chorus, F1KM etc.

Probe - Skip this step if you do not use an Active Probe. System probe is assumed by default and it refers to BlueBox connectors.

Active Probe - winIDEA will automatically detect if an Active Probe is connected to the target device. Select if you have only one Active Probe connected.

Refresh - Click to show currently available probes and select the Active Probe connected to the BlueBox.


hmtoggle_arrow0 You have a simple single-core application with one download file? Press Reset and follow Basic Session Configuration.
hmtoggle_arrow0 You would like to configure an operating system or an SMP? Follow the Session Configuration Wizard.

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