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Storage device programming

Manipulation of many non-volatile storage devices in embedded systems such as on-chip FLASH memories, external FLASH memories, (Q)SPI FLASH devices and other storage devices is enabled by iSYSTEM UMI technology. Manipulating storage device includes erasing, programming, verifying the content, securing, filling etc.


This chapter will show you how to configure and program:

Internal Flash programming

FPGA bitstream programming

External Flash programming

Live programming



For device-specific options refer to:

ARM Cortex

Infineon TriCore

Renesas RH850

NXP/ST Power Architecture




1. If any core is running from the same flash or using the same RAM operation of that core can fail. To prevent this, multi-core synchronization must be enabled.

2. If any interrupt is running during flash modification it can either change the monitor or it can read wrong unexpected data from RAM. To prevent this, disable interrupts (if possible).

3. If any peripheral module (DMA for example) is running during flash modification, it can either change the monitor or it can read wrong unexpected data from RAM. To prevent this, suspend peripherals (if possible).


During flash modification winIDEA is using a monitor, which is loaded to internal RAM. Before the flash sector can be programmed sector, must be erased.



It is strongly recommended to modify Internal Flash using download only or immediately after reset before any peripheral or secondary core is running. It is also recommended to perform CPU reset after Flash operation.


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