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Version: 9.21.197

Navigation: Integration with 3rd party tools > Infineon DAP miniWiggler

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Using Infineon DAP miniWiggler with winIDEA

To use the Infineon DAP miniWiggler in conjunction with winIDEA, the Infineon DAS Tool Interface needs to be installed.




Install DAS Tool Interface.

Go to Infineon website



Connecting to the Infineon DAP miniWiggler.

The Infineon DAP miniWiggler is connected via USB to the host PC running winIDEA development and test environment.



After installation make sure that the PC recognizes the miniWiggler. Open the Windows Device Manager, expand ports (COM & LPT) and verify that Infineon DAS is listed.



If miniWiggler is not listed, connect it to different PC USB port.




Verify that Infineon DAP miniWiggler is selected via Hardware / Debugger Hardware / Hardware Type.





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