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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197

Document pinning

When multiple documents are open and not all tabs are visible, document pinning is a useful way of keeping frequently used / focused documents at hand. A document can be pinned by a pin button winIDEAPinDocumentButton in its tab. Shortcut - CTRL+SHIFT+p.






All opened documents are located above the Editor or in a drop-down list.





Pinned document - On the tab of a pinned document, the winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol symbol is present next to the document name.

Other opened document tabs - Opened documents without the winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol symbol on their tabs are not pinned.

Focused document - The tab of the focused document is blue colored.

List all open documents button - When many documents are opened and not enough space is available to show all tabs in the tab bar, the pinned (winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol) and focused (blue colored) document tabs will remain visible.  If multiple rows are required to show all these tabs, they are created. The remaining space is filled with other opened document tabs (without the pin symbol). If there is not enough space to show all opened document tabs, the button winIDEAAllDocumentPaneButton of the tab bar lists all document panes.

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