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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.229

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Quick start with Target Board Presets

Target Board Presets automatically presets detailed CPU settings for various Evaluation Boards and Emulation Adapters in winIDEA. It provide a user-friendly interface that enables you to select your target board in the process of creating a new winIDEA workspace.


In the process of creating your workspace, the above dialog opens which allows you to:

Select your board

Access the board’s user manual

Configure debug & trace interfaces  

Disable watchdogs




If your Target Board is not supported in winIDEA, please contact Technical support.



Create a New Workspace via File / Workspace / New Workspace and follow the wizard.



Select your Target Board.




Note that by default winIDEA uses DAP connection for Infineon AURIX devices.



Once your workspace is created, you can recall this dialog by clicking Hardware / Select target.


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