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Hotfix build release notes




RH850: Stall CPU to prevent overflows

In the Trigger - [Trigger Configuration] dialog, the Stall CPU to prevent overflows option was moved from SRC_PEx to SoC and renamed to Stall CPUs to prevent overflows.

Previously, this option applied to individual sources; now it applies to all sources at once.


Currently Analyzer Configuration / Manual Trigger/Recorder configuration / Configure / Trigger - [Trigger Configuration] / SoC

Previously Analyzer Configuration / Manual Trigger/Recorder configuration / Configure / Trigger - [Trigger Configuration] / SRC_PEx





The Tools / Options / SFR Window has been changed since the reading procedure of SoCs that contain SFR groups with thousands of SFRs has become exceedingly slow, which made it user-unfriendly.

New SFR values are now read when being drawn.

In the Tools / Options / SFR Window dialog, the sections Update and Abort refresh removed since these settings are not needed any more.







daqIDEA: Specific memory locations and Expression type modifiers

Besides the desired variable in the Variable settings / Variable name field, the following can also be specified:

a memory address for sampling with prefixing a desired address by a colon,

format of variable values by using expression type modifiers.


Supported expression type modifiers:

c - force 8 bit signed integer type

z - force 8 bit unsigned integer type

i - force 16 bit signed integer type

w - force 16 bit unsigned integer type

l - force 32 bit signed integer type

u - force 32 bit unsigned integer type

ll - force 64 bit signed integer type

ull - force 64 bit unsigned integer type



Newly supported devices


RH850 P1M-E - R7F701376 - Added support


RH850 U2A - Added support for:

Debug: PWD protection

Trace: SoftTrace OnChip, Program OnChip, Data OnChip, SoftTrace LPD



S32K311, MWCT2015S - Added support


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