i_Connect.h File Reference


This file defines interfaces of winIDEA development environment.

All isystem.connect interface functions return a HRESULT type identifying the result of the operation. Common return codes are:

  • S_OK - Success
  • ICONNECT_E_NOT_CONNECTED - The isystem.connect object is not attached to winIDEA.
#include <unknwn.h>
#include "iConnect/i_ConnectTypes.h"
#include "BB_CRT/globdefs.h"
#include "isys/i_Vector.h"


struct  IConnect
 The IConnect interface provides functions that control connection to winIDEA. More...
struct  IConnectIDE
 The IConnectIDE interface provides access to IDE functions exported by winIDEA. More...
struct  IConnectIDE::SApplication
 Stores application parameters. More...
struct  IConnectIDE::SApplication::SRect
 Stores window coordinates. More...
struct  IConnectDebug
 The IConnectDebug interface provides access to debug functions exported by winIDEA. More...
struct  IConnectDebug::SInfo
 Contains CPU info. More...
struct  IConnectDebug::SStatus
 Contains CPU status. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler
 The IConnectProfiler interface provides access to real-time measurement functions exported by winIDEA. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler::SInfo
 Stores profiling parameters. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler::SInfo::SCapabilities
 Stores profiler capabilities. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler::SStatus
 Stores profiler status. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler::SStatistic
 Stores statistic results. All times are returned in nanoseconds. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler2
 IConnectProfiler2 extends the IConnectProfiler with functions which obtain the list of result areas. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler2::SResultInfo
 Contains information about profiler result. More...
struct  IConnectProfiler2::SResultArea
 Contains information about profiler area. More...
struct  IConnectProject
 The IConnectProject interface provides access to build manager functions exported by winIDEA. More...
struct  IConnectProject::SInfo
 Contains information about the build manager capabilities. More...
struct  IConnectProject::SStatus
 Contains information about the build manager status. More...
struct  IConnectDebug2
 This interface extends debug functionality of IConnectDebug with some advanced operations. More...
struct  IConnectDebug2::SDownload
 Structure with download configuration. More...
struct  SCoverageRange
 Defines range of addresses used by coverage. More...
struct  IConnectCoverage
 This interface provides access to winIDEA coverage functionality. More...
struct  IConnectTest
 This interface defines methods for unit testing without code instrumentation. More...
struct  IHILChannel
 This interface provides information about a HIL channel. More...
struct  IConnectHIL::SInfo
 Returns descriptor describing exposed HIL parameters. More...


namespace  DataDescriptor
 This interface defines methods for controlling the HIL system.