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Navigation: Plugins > Architecture-specific plugins > Cortex-M

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In this topic:

Supported architectures


Status row

List of MPU Regions

Expanded Region

Context menu




The Cortex-M MPU is a core plugin and it is used to view the number of Cortex-M MPU regions, with the location address, size, access permissions, and memory attributes of each region.



Supported architectures

Cortex-M MPU supports following architectures:






For a correct configuration of the MPU refer to the ARM manual.



The plugin can be loaded by selecting View | [<device>.COREn] Cortex-M | MPU. Information is displayed when a debug connection is established.









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Status row

Red background color - Last read status. Note that MPU update failed warning is displayed if the connection to the CPU MPU is not established.





EN - Enabled MPU (“E” for enabled range, “-” otherwise)

Details -  Quick information about general MPU parameters

Status bar can also be extended to show detailed view of the registers MPU_TYPE, MPU_CTRL and MPU_RNR





List of MPU Regions

Address range or data - Address range (inclusive).  In a case of a region with size 0 B, address range is written only with start address

Size - Specified size of the region

EN -  “E” for enabled range, “-” otherwise

Details - Privileged (P) and unprivileged (UP) access right, followed by attributes description



Expanded Region

The expanded region contains a detailed view of register values for the selected region.


ARMv6-M and ARMv7-M




MPU_RBAR and MPU_RASR registers

Region details for CPUs ARMv6-M and ARMv7-M contain values of MPU_RBAR and MPU_RASR registers for a selected region.


MPU_RASR register

Value from register MPU_RASR is further sliced into separate fields:

XN - Execute never

AP - Access permission

TEX S C B - Memory type attributes

SRD - Subregion disable field






View for ARMv8-M CPUs contains additional data about two MPU_MAIR registers inside the expanded status row. In case when the CPU implements Security Extensions (also referred as Arm TrustZone for Armv8-M), the view contains data from the current security state of the CPU.


Attribute field - Attr

Each of both MPU_MAIR registers contains 4 Attribute fields, which are expandable to display detailed explanation of the attribute’s value.





MPU_RBAR and MPU_RLAR registers

Details for MPU regions on CPU ARMv8-M contain values of corresponding registers MPU_RBAR and MPU_RLAR. Each of them is further expandable to explain register values in more detail.




Context menu

Right-click in the plugin window to open the context menu.

Copy Python access snippet - Copy SDK code snippet to extract the content from the plugin window.

Auto Fit - Arrange all the columns to fit in the plugin window.

Options - Set colors and fonts.

Help - Open winIDEA Help.



To display or hide columns, right-click on a column header and select what you want to see.

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