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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

NXP Kinetis

In this topic:

NXP Kinetis K2x

NXP Kinetis EA

Configuring trace ports



NXP Kinetis K2x

The program flash memory contains a 16-byte flash configuration field that stores default protection settings (loaded on reset) and security information that allows the MCU to restrict access to the flash memory module. On Kinetis devices this configuration field is located in flash memory at location 0x400 to 0x40F. For more information please check reference manual for your device.



For K2x devices the range from 0x400 to 0x40F is defined as a special region in winIDEA that will not be downloaded into. This is to prevent users accidentally locking the device. User should take care when linking application that it will avoid these memory locations!



NXP Kinetis EA

Like on all Kinetis devices the EA family also has special Flash Configuration Field. Unlike on other Kinetis families handling of this field is different. Open Hardware menu / <device name> / Configure / Configuration





Release Secure Flags On Erase - When selected it will appropriately fix Flash Configuration Field when Mass Erase is used. This will write 0xFE to location 0x40E.

Remove Flash Protection On Program - When selected it will appropriately fix Flash Configuration Field when downloading user application. This will write 0xFFFF to location 0x40C and 0x40D.



Configuring trace ports

This chapter describes how to configure trace ports.


Kinetis devices include several devices with various availability of Embedded Trace Macrocell (ETM) and output pins for parallel trace. User should check appropriate reference manual for what is available on target device. Affected families: MK7*, MK6*, MK5*, MK4*, MK3*, MK2*, MK1*, MKV3*, MK02*, MKE1*F*, MKV4*, MKV5*.


Add a custom script Kinetis_TraceInit.cpp from the SFR folder to Hardware / CPU Options / Analyzer / SoC Initialization / Before Start and define parameters.



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