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Profiler Inspectors



Profiler Inspectors allow the creation of new areas in the Profiler Timeline. Any existing data in the Profiler Timeline can be used to derive Inspector areas.


The idea of Profiler Inspectors is to create new objects whose state changes depending on states, state transitions, values, and timing characteristics of other objects. They are then treated like any other profiler areas, which can be used to derive statistics, export.


Inspectors functionality allows you as well to:

Add an Inspector Groups

Export and Import Inspectors and Macros



What are Profiler Inspectors?

Before the configuration of Inspectors is explained, a simple example is given to provide some intuition about how Inspectors can be used.


On the screenshot below, a simple OS task trace is shown in the Profiler Timeline. There are five task objects each running at different points in time as indicated by the red block in the respective area of each task. Profiler Statistics  use this information to calculate timing properties for each object in the Profiler Timeline.




However, once the relation between multiple objects in the timeline is of interest statistics are not longer sufficient. For example, the information about how much time passes between the termination of OsHighPrioEthTask till the start of OsLowPrioMemTask is not available by default. For a single occurrence this can measured with winIDEA profiler markers. As soon as a user is interested in the delta time for every occurrence of the OsHighPrioEthTask a new approach is required and this is an example where profiler Inspectors can be utilized.


On the following screenshot the exact same trace is visualized. This time with another object called HighToLowPrio, which is an Inspector object as indicated by theProfilerInspectors-FilterIconsymbol.


The Inspector has two states default and delta. Initially, the Inspector is in the default state. Once OsHighPrioEthTask becomes inactive the Inspector switches into the delta state. Then, when the OsLowPrioMemTask starts the Inspector switches back into the default state. With this approach it is possible to measure the delta between the tasks for each occurrence in the timeline.




The Inspector area now shows the delay between the events of interest and can be used to derive further statistics. Please refer to the Inspector Examples chapter for more in-depth examples.


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