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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Inspector Configuration

In this topic:

Navigation arrows: To change order of items use up and down arrows. In some cases the order of items in the list box affects the inspector analysis.




Inspectors work like a state machine. This means there are state like objects States  and Variables; and there are events which trigger state transitions which are called Events and Time constraints.

Note that below dialog applies to the Inspector - Group configuration as well.


For a more general description what are inspectors, please refer to Profiler Inspectors.


You can open the Inspectors via View | Analyzer | Profiler Timeline | Post Process | Inspectors.




Create copy - Copy the selected Inspector; can be used to create a similar Inspector area quickly.

Macros - Specify a macro and reference it in Inspectors. Macros can be used in formulas and event area fields.

Groups - Create an Inspector Groups. Macros created in groups can't be used in parent inspectors.


Import - Import Inspectors saved in the Inspector JSON format.

Export - Save selected Inspectors in the Inspector JSON format.


Navigation arrows: To change order of items use up and down arrows. In some cases the order of items in the list box affects the inspector analysis.



More resources

Use case: Call Stack Analysis and Profiler Inspectors



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