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Version: 9.21.260

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Slow Run mode

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Slow Run mode offers program execution and data trace capabilities on CPUs without trace port. In Slow Run mode winIDEA executes the target application step by step and gathers CPU state information. Based on that winIDEA constructs a trace file for analysis. The collection and processing of all of these data takes time – this is the reason why this mode is called “Slow Run”. The effective rate is at 30-50 instructions per second, dependent on the architecture used.


Per default Slow Run is disabled in winIDEA. To enable Slow Run mode check Debug | Run Control | Use Slow Run. It is available on all architectures.

Once Slow Run is enabled, you can use the Analyzer for trace and statement coverage analysis.





Even though data trace is recorded, data profiling is not supported.




Slow Run is well-suited to trace small portions of an application.

If library functions are called, Slow Run may need a long time to return, because a lot of code is added by the compiler. Likewise the execution of a function can last very long in Slow Run mode.

If a trace of a complete application is needed, it is recommended to run the data acquisition in Slow Run mode overnight.

Another limitation of Slow Run mode is the possibly changed behavior of the application. Due to step by step execution the reaction on external signals e.g. timers, interrupts, can be delayed or not happen at all, e.g. if an interrupt is lost.

Slow Run is a SoC operation mode.

Slow Run can be toggled, but any core still running is not affected. If it is stopped and ran, it will enter slow run.

If Slow Run is disabled, all slow-running cores remain stopped.

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