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Version: 9.21.260

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Trace Export

In this topic:

Text Export

CSV Export

Binary Export

XML Export




To export the trace data please open the Trace Export dialog by selecting the Export button in the Trace Toolbar and configure the export parameters.




File - Specifies the file path to which the data is exported

Format - Specifies the export format; Click Options button to configure format specific settings

Launch Associated Viewer - If checked, the system associated viewer application is launched after export

Time Scope - Defines the time range for timeline export

oEntire session: Exports all recorded events

oBetween markers: Exports only events between the two markers. If the markers are not set, this option is not available

Selected signals only - Exports only columns, that are selected in the Trace window

Use Filtered Samples - Only samples that are currently listed are exported



Text Export



Number of characters in Content Signal - defines the width of the Content string.



Number                Address   Data      Content                         Time          
728525.0              0000210C  C13F2003  C13F se_lwz      r3, #04(r31)   518.552299 ms  
728525.1              0000210E  2003D13F  2003 se_addi     r3, #01        518.552317 ms  



CSV Export



Field separator - Specifies the character to use to separate fields.

Export column headers - If this option is checked, the names of the columns are exported as the first line.



"728525.0","0000210C","C13F2003","C13F se_lwz      r3, #04(r31)","518.552299 ms",
"728525.1","0000210E","2003D13F","2003 se_addi     r3, #01","518.552317 ms",



If a single sample generates multiple entries in the trace window, only the first entry will have a sample Number and Time value.



Binary Export

Binary format is best suited for large exports and easy parsing for further processing. File format is determined by the information which is exported and is shown in the Export Binary Options dialog dynamically.





XML Export

XML format is best suited for smaller exports and further processing, e.g. for printing or HTML transforms. XML schema can be found in templates\TraceExport\TraceExport.xsd file in the winIDEA installation folder. The XML property names used are displayed in the dialog’s information pane.





    <TIME>518.552299 ms</TIME>
    <DASM>se_lwz      r3, #04(r31)</DASM>
    <TIME>518.552317 ms</TIME>
    <DASM>se_addi     r3, #01</DASM>

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