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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Running Task and ISR Profiling

In this topic:

Configure ORTI Export in DaVinci Configurator

Configure winIDEA and start profiling




Running task and ISR analysis works by data tracing the running task and ISR attribute for each AUTOSAR core.


The advantage of this approach is that it does not require instrumentation or special configuration via iTCHi.


The disadvantage is that profiling the running object can lead to ambiguous results in the interpretation of the data. For example, if the running task switches from one to another, the reason why the first task stops is unknown to the profiler. This is acceptable for CPU load analysis, but makes other use cases infeasible.

For use cases such as response time requirements verification and event-chain analysis, use a task state profiling approach.



Generate an ORTI file.



Add ORTI file to winIDEA.



Configure winIDEA Analyzer.



Configure ORTI Export in DaVinci Configurator

For OS Task and ISR profiling, you need to enable ORTI file generation in your Vector MICROSAR project. Follow these steps:



In DaVinci Configurator, open the Basic Editor.



In the Basic Editor, expand the OS node.



Navigate to the OsOS node and select the OsDebug node.



Activate ORTI Debug Support by selecting ORTI_23_STANDARD or ORTI_23_ADDITIONAL.



Regenerate the OS.

This process enables the OS ORTI file generation. After generating the OS, you should find a file Os_Trace.ORT in your Appl/GenData directory.


Click to enlarge



Configure winIDEA and start profiling

After generating the ORTI file, follow these steps to add it to winIDEA:



Add the generated XML to winIDEA.



Open the Analyzer and create a new trace configuration.

Make sure to add the application that references the ORTI file.



Select the RUNNINGTASK and RUNNINGISR2 attributes via Profiler page.




Start a new trace recording.

If everything is set up correctly, you should see a trace like the one shown in the screenshot below.

Note that the tasks only have the two states RUNNING and TERMINATED. As mentioned before, this is not sufficient for many use cases where additional states such as WAITING and READY are required.


Click to enlarge



If you don’t see any data or the data does not look plausible, please check the Knowledge Base.

Specifically, a manual trigger configuration may be necessary.

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