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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Install winIDEA for Microsoft Windows

winIDEA for Microsoft Windows is available for download via website. It includes portable and installer links.



Configuration steps


Download the latest winIDEA build from

You can download it for:

Microsoft Windows Version 10 and newer

Portable and installer

Latest and legacy builds


The final compatible winIDEA version for use with Microsoft Windows 7 is 9.21.20.



Run the installer with administrator privileges.



Silent installation is possible by using the following command line switches: <winIDEA_instal_package>.exe /q APPDIR=<install directory>.

For example: winIDEA9_21_0.exe /q APPDIR=c:\apps\winIDEA



(recommended) Prepare PC working environment.

Before first debugging, it is strongly encouraged to prepare your PC environment, because winIDEA creates temporary files, which are necessary for its operation. Windows updates or any other custom cleanups may corrupt these files. Per default winIDEA will place temporary files into %TEMP%/iSYSTEM folder.


If this folder does not suit your needs, define environment variable. winIDEA will place all temporary files in this folder:

1. Create a dedicated folder on your local drive, e.g. C:\ISYSTEM_TEMP.

3. Search for Edit environment variables | Environment Variables for your account via Windows search bar.

4. Click New In User variables and specify variable name and value:

Variable name: ISYSTEM_TEMP

Variable value: C:/ISYSTEM_TEMP

You can delete the contents of this folder entirely. winIDEA will recreate anything required for operation the next time it is started.





(optional) Download the appropriate winIDEA SDK and run the installer.

isystem.connect Application Programming Interfaces (API) is not included in the installation and must be installed separately.



Next steps

Setup and Configure Hardware


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