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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.150

Active Probe

Combine our CAN/LIN data capture, analog and digital capture and control, and debug and trace via our Active Probes all from one central hardware tool. The Active Probe is connected to the embedded target and the other side connects to the iC5700 FNet port via the FNet cable.


iSYSTEM provides Active Probes for different Microcontrollers architectures:




Insert (and remove) the black connector PARALLEL to the surface of the Target Board. Do not press only on one side of the connector as this can (in worst case) bend the corner pins of the adapter’s connector.




Connect ribbon cable adapter(s) to Target Board.

Pin 1 can be marked by a small dot next to the connector or a number 1 marker or a small triangle marker imprinted into the connector plastic, etc.

If the target connector doesn’t provide a key pin or a key notch, make sure pin 1 is properly identified on the Active Probe and the Target since a mistake could damage the hardware.







Connect FNet cable of Active Probe to the BlueBox FNet Port.



Copyright© iSYSTEM AG Carl-Zeiss-Str.1 85247 Schwabhausen Germany