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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.150

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Welcome to winIDEA Help

Are you a first-time user of winIDEA and would like to connect to your hardware for the first time? Or you are already familiar with iSYSTEM tools and you would like to learn more? Are you looking for a solution for your issue?


How to use winIDEA Help?

  • Press Search-Regular and enter one or more keywords to search ('*' and '?' wildcards are supported) in the Search field.
  • Press Index-Search and search for terms alphabetically.
  • Press key F1 or Help button in winIDEA and open winIDEA Help matching your winIDEA version.



Check these winIDEA Help chapters to get most out of winIDEA:



Check our other documentation and videos:


Since most of winIDEA functionality is carefully crafted around the various microcontroller families we support, make sure to read the:

  • MCU reference manual (provided by the silicon vendor)
  • MCU data sheet (provided by the silicon vendor)
  • iSYSTEM Architecture-specific notes, which cover relevant details and winIDEA configuration specifics for your MCU



We wish you a lot of success using winIDEA!

Copyright© iSYSTEM AG Carl-Zeiss-Str.1 85247 Schwabhausen Germany