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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197

Normal time vs. Real-time Watch

When the CPU is running, the Real-time Watch attempts to show every change of a variable’s content. A Normal Watch marks every change since the CPU was last stopped. Therefore changes are displayed permanently (until the next CPU stops) whilst changes in real-time watch are displayed only until they change again.


The Real-Time Watch feature attempts to update all listed variable as often as possible.

Several factors limit the speed of the updates:

The more variables that are selected, the slower the updates will occur.

The feature is highly dependent on the target’s CPUs debug hardware and the speed of the debug interface.


By default real-time update is 0.2 s and it can be changed by clicking Debug / Debug Options / Update.



This feature may impact the real-time performance of your application and the debug interface may be stealing read/write accesses from the microcontroller’s internal bus system.


More information about Memory Access and Real-time update in Debug Options.

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