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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.229

Infineon TriCore

In this topic:

Getting started

Debug Features

AURIX Typical Debug and Trace Configurations

AURIX Specific Trace Use Cases


The information provided in this chapter is intended to be used together with the CPU reference manual provided by the silicon vendor. This chapter assumes knowledge of the CPU functionality and the terminology and concepts defined and explained in the CPU reference manual. Basic knowledge of winIDEA is also necessary. This chapter deals with specifics and advanced details and it is not meant as a basic or introductory text.


Setup - General settings to prepare winIDEA for debug session

Flash programming - Additional configuration settings for internal flash programming

Debug - Breakpoint access, SCR and HSM debug, Real-time memory access and more

Analyzer - Trace, Aurora trace port, Trace templates, Profiler and Coverage

Knowledge Base - Infineon TriCore specific problems solved



Getting started

Refer to Getting started Tutorials.



Debug Features

DAP Standard (2-wire), DAP Wide (3-wire) and JTAG debug interface

DAPE trace interface on AURIX-2G and AURIX-3G

Hardware execution breakpoints

Unlimited software breakpoints

Hardware data access breakpoints

FLASH programming

Multi-core support

Real-time memory access

Hot Attach

Stopping peripherals (e.g. TIMERs) when stopped (CPU dependent)

On-Chip Trace support (miniMCDS, MCDS)

Aurora trace support (CPU dependent)



AURIX Typical Debug and Trace Configurations

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Simplified AURIX Debug/Trace Block Diagram



Debug: iC5000 & Debug Adapter

Basic and compact system

Debug Access via JTAG/DAP

Optional Trace Support (EMEM, DAP, DAP Upload While Sampling - UWS) on Emulation Devices


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Debug and Trace via EMEM/DAP – iC5700 & Debug Adapter

High-Performance, versatile System

Debug Access via JTAG/DAP

Trace Support via on-chip EMEM and DAP Streaming (Upload While Sampling - UWS)

Debug Cable Adapter: DAP Clock up to 40 MHz, upload rate up to 5 MB/s

iC5700: 1 GByte Trace Buffer, USB 3.0 / Ethernet


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Debug and Trace via EMEM/DAP – iC5700 & Infineon DAP/DAPE II Active Probe

High-Performance, versatile system

Debug Access via JTAG/DAP

Trace support via on-chip EMEM and DAP Streaming (Upload While Sampling - UWS)

High-speed DAP Operation (up to 160 MHz)

DAP + DAPE support for TC3xx, TC4xx Family

Optional Add-On Modules:

oADIO Use case Configuration

oCAN/LIN Use case Configuration

Synchronized Debug & Trace of multiple BlueBox

Up to 5m FNet Cable to the iC5700

Compact & robust design

DAP/DAPE II Active Probe: Clock up to 160 MHz, upload rate up to 30MB/s

iC5700: 1 GByte Trace Buffer, USB 3.0 / Ethernet


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Debug and Trace via AGBT – iC5700 & Infineon AGBT Active Probe

Highest Trace Performance, versatile System

Ideally suited for long-term multi-core Program & OS Trace

Debug Access via DAP

Trace Support via on-chip EMEM or high-speed AGBT Streaming

High-speed DAP Operation (up to 160 MHz)

Optional Add-On Modules:

oADIO Use case Configuration

oCAN/LIN Use case Configuration

Synchronized Debug & Trace of multiple BlueBox

Up to 5m FNet Cable to the iC5700

Compact & robust design

Active Probe Infineon AGBT: Bitrate up to 2.5Gbps, upload rate app. 300 MB/s

iC5700: 1 GByte Trace Buffer, USB 3.0 / Ethernet


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AURIX Specific Trace Use Cases

DAP Streaming -  Upload While Sampling (UWS)

Allows Upload of Trace Data from EMEM to Host PC (winIDEA) while Trace Recording is running

If Upload Bandwidth is higher than the Trace Data Generation Rate, Upload While Sampling can run infinitely

Ideally suited for (long-term) OS Profiling

DAP/DAPE II Active Probe allows DAP Operation at maximum 160 MHz for optimized Streaming Bandwidth

A minimum of 2 (better 3) EMEM Tiles need to be available for Trace



DMA Trace

The winIDEA Trace Analyzer allows full utilization of the extremely versatile configuration options of the AURIX MCDS On-Chip Trace functionality. This allows, for instance, tracing of SRI bus transactions of specific bus masters such as the DMA controller along with the CPU instruction trace or OS task trace.


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Trace of CPU Performance Counters

The winIDEA Trace Analyzer allows full utilization of the extremely versatile configuration options of the AURIX MCDS on-chip Trace functionality. This allows, for instance, a real-time trace of the CPU-internal performance counters, measuring performance parameters such as Instruction Execution rate, Cache Hit / Miss rates, etc.


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Compact Function Trace (CFT)

CFT is a feature of the MCDS Processor Observation Block (POB). Its goal is to reduce trace bandwidth, while providing the ability to trace function execution. Trace messages are only generated upon a function call and function return. Also, indirect calls (e.g. Interrupt Service Routines) generate a trace message.


This concept brings big savings especially when long functions are executed, as all instruction execution inside the function generates no trace data. However, the CFT concept relies on consistent function call-return sequences. Certain compiler optimizations “violate” this constraint and thus CFT-based function profiling may not be applicable.


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ADIO & CAN Trace

A trace recording via DAP UWS allows a time correlation with Analog/Digital or CAN/LIN bus signals captured by means of the ADIO and/or CAN/LIN Add-On Module of the iC5700.


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More resources

Infineon AURIX™ Microcontrollers dedicated website


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