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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197

Modifying memory content

Memory contents can be modified directly in either the ASCII display area or in the numerical display area.



Editing flash memory during debug session is disabled on some devices.


To modify a location:

Make sure it is visible.

Click on it with the left mouse button - a block cursor will appear covering the selected location.

Enter the new value.



If the memory does not change, the CPU might have problems with write access to that location.



Memory Fill dialog

When entering value in the ASCII display area or when using binary or hexadecimal display types, individual digits can be modified directly. In decimal (float and integer) display mode however, entering a new value automatically opens the Memory Fill dialog. This dialog can be also selected with Fill command from the Memory Window's Context menu or by pressing the Enter key.




Value - Is used to enter new value. The value can be either hexadecimal, binary, decimal or a char.



The programmed pattern depends on the size of memory writes, which are specified with the size parameter, e.g. if memory accesses are byte-size, you can only program byte-size pattern.


From Address - This is initially set to the address that was selected at the time the dialog opened, and can also be changed to some other memory location.

Size - Is used to determine how many locations will be filled with the specified value. If you wish to specify the size in hexadecimal format, make sure the Hexadecimal option is checked.

The Bytes/Display Units setting should be set as follows:

Bytes option should be selected to fill a certain number of consecutive bytes,

Display Units option should be selected to fill a certain number of consecutive in the format that is currently displayed. (Example: if you display 4 byte floats and wish to set ten consecutive floats to value 1.0).



This selection specifies the size of memory access (if available).


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