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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197

Saving the SFR contents

You can save all the values displayed in the window to text or CSV file. If you have a lot of registers you can first use filter and than save option.



Select Save from the SFR context menu.



Configure the export parameters and confirm.

File - Specify the file name and location.

Format - Select between Text, Text(all) and CSV file format. Text(all) has the same information as the Text, plus register address/mode and bit field size/offset/mode.

Scope - Select the scope you wish to export: All, Visible, Selection.

Items - Select the amount of information you wish to export: Group names, Sub registers, Short names.





Registers and values are saved exactly as displayed in the SFR.



Exporting all SFRs will probably take a few minutes.

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