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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260


In this topic:

Document pinning

Document lists

Pop-up List


This topic describes the features of working with documents in document panes.


Document pinning

When multiple documents are open and not all tabs are visible, document pinning is a useful way of keeping frequently used/focused documents at hand. A document can be pinned by a pin button winIDEAPinDocumentButton in its tab. Shortcut - CTRL+SHIFT+p.




All opened documents are located above the Editor or in a drop-down list.


Click to enlarge


The tab of the focused document is blue colored. On the tab of a pinned document, the winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol symbol is present next to the document name. Opened documents without the winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol symbol on their tabs are not pinned.

List Opened Documents button drop-down-list appears when many documents are opened and there isn't enough space to show all the tabs in the tab bar. The pinned (winIDEADocumentPinned_Symbol) and focused (blue colored) document tabs will remain visible. Multiple rows will be created, if required, to show all these tabs. The remaining space, if available, will be filled with other opened documents. Currently active document is placed on the top of the drop-down list of the documents. Last active document is highlighted. Documents which can not be seen and are not pinned are greyed out.



Document lists

A document lists show the currently open documents in the document pane. This is especially useful if not all the currently open documents in the document pane are visible for access.



Drop-down document list

Click on the List Opened Documents button drop-down-list to open drop-down document list, which displays all currently open documents in the document pane.



Pop-up List

Hold CTRL and press TAB inside the Editor to open the Pop-up List. The list shows currently open documents in all document panes where each document pane gets its column.

Beside the list of currently open documents, the Pop-up List also displays the list of all currently open window panes and full path of the currently selected document in the list.




Recently used window are listed in the first column on the left of the Pop-up. Last active document is highlighted. Path of the last active document is on the bottom of the Pop-up.




Navigation to select a document can also be done with the following keys:

CTRL+TAB - Navigates down the list.

CTRL+SHIFT+TAB - Navigates up the list.

CTRL+ Arrow keys - Navigates in the desired direction.

Page Up/Down, Home/End keys when there are too many documents to be listed at once.




By releasing the CTRL button, the list closes and the currently selected document is focused. You can also select a document by clicking on it or hitting ENTER.




While the list is opened, you can enter parts of names and they become highlighted. While navigating through them with keys, only the matching names are selected.



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