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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.197


In this topic:

Breakpoint margin

Editor pane

Editor bar



Context menu



The Editor window shows the content of the selected file in the project workspace. This usually starts with the display of the source code that contains the main() function being displayed in the Editor window. The Editor window also offers the options:

Set, clear a breakpoint and disable breakpoints

Use Run/stop functions





Breakpoint margin

The bar shows where breakpoints can be set. In this region also line numbers can be displayed.




Line, where breakpoints can be set


Enabled breakpoint


Disabled breakpoint



Be careful with code that has been built with code optimization switched on! Some code lines will not necessarily have a position where a breakpoint can be set although there is source code displayed at that line.  



Editor pane

Displays the source code or the content of any selected file or document. Functionalities in Editor for easier navigation:

File list pop-up

Navigating using keyboard shortcuts in chapter Shortcuts.



Editor bar

List drop down of documents - If there is not enough space to show all document a drop down button EditorListButton  appears and it lists hidden documents.

Highlighted document - Current top document

Pinned documents.

Greyed out documents - Pinned out documents.


Pinning/unpinning documents - Pin a document to stay in reach.

Context menus - Right-clicking on a document tab/empty space opens context menu with various close actions, open containing folder and copy name/path of the document.







Set / remove breakpoints - shorcut F9


Open dialog Execution Breakpoints


Toggle Hardware Breakpoints




winIDEA allows you to step through code in four different ways. Stepping can be also peformed at disassembly level.





Step into the next statement/function - shortcut F11

Step feature enables line-by-line code execution whilst examining variables and register content changes.


Step Over

Step over the next statement/function - shortcut F10

Enables the option to execute a entire function call and stop again when the starting point of the next line of code is reached.

run until

Run Until

Run program until the current/specified position - shortcut CTRL + F10 (or right-clicking Run until in the context menu).

Run Until function enables you quickly execute a portion of code without needing to set a breakpoint. It navigates you to either the next breakpoint or to the position where you clicked in the code depending on which one is next in program execution flow.  


Run Until Return

Run until current function exists - shortcut SHIFT + F11

Useful when examining the execution of the first few lines of a function using Step and then wanting to quickly execute the remainder of the function.




If unexpected behavior (jumping backwards or skipping lines of code, should occur, might be a result of the use of code optimization during compilation.



Disabling and clearing/deleting breakpoints

winIDEA differentiate between disabled or cleared/deleted breakpoint:


Clear breakpoints

Disable breakpoints


Still visible, but do not execute

Have to be set again

Can be enabled again

Can not be found again

Can be used as a bookmark



Disabling breakpoints leaves a visible mark in the glyph margin making it easy to re-enable the breakpoint again if required.



Context menu

Right-clicking within Editor pane opens context menu.





Toggle/Next/Previous Bookmark - Mark part, line of code/move to next or previous bookmark.


Tabify/Untabify Selection

Toggle line column - Insert/Remove line comment. (Shotrcut '/' )

Toggle block comment - Insert/Remove block comment. (Shortcut '*' )


Properties - See below.

Options - Open dialog Options to set fonts, colors , Whitespace, Auto-completion.

Open - Open C Header file.

Compile - Compile source file.

Next Error - Move to the next error in the code generated by the build manager.

Set Breakpoint, Run Until, Goto, Show Execution Point - Operate with Breakpoints.

Show Disassembly - Open Disassembly Window and show disassembly from relevant line.

Auto Show Disassembly - Open Disassembly Window and show disassembly when moving through the code.

Add File to Templates - Add file/document to templates to use it next time.

Highlight text - If selected highlight selected text with 12 predefined colors






File Name - Displays the location of the file on disk. The user can select and copy the text.

Language - Select the appropriate programming language of the document. Upon first opening the file, the language is auto-detected from the file name extension, however, this detection may be incorrect if the file is not named according to commonly used conventions.

The Language selection affects syntax coloring, code folding and auto-completion, where available. If a language is not supported, the Text option should be selected. In such case, code folding and syntax coloring are not supported.

Encoding - The default encoding is set to the default setting in the user's installation of Windows. If characters are not displayed correctly, the correct encoding should be set. This setting is set for each file individually and does not affect the encoding settings globally. The UTF-8 encoding gives the best support for international documents and non-western characters.



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