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Version: 9.21.197

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Multi-core Debugging

winIDEA supports a variety of multi-core MCUs. The following chapter describes the steps necessary to establish a multi-core debug session.


SMP (Symmetrical multiprocessing)

Debug one application which runs on multiple cores.


AMP (Asymmetrical multiprocessing)

Debug multiple applications on separate cores.







Selection of the core in focus

Which core is currently in focus is indicated by:

menu Debug / Core / <core>.

winIDEA Status bar (lower right corner).


Open Debug menu / Core / <core>. Status is updated accordingly, e.g. SMPdebugStatus2.









Setting a breakpoint applies the breakpoint to all cores that are part of the current binding. When a breakpoint is hit winIDEA automatically sets the view to the respective core.

Note that SMP mode does not take care of synchronizing multiple cores. In other words, it does not change the behavior of the microcontroller when a breakpoint on a certain core is hit.



Multi-core Synchronization

Depending on your system, you might want to have multiple cores synchronized so that in case one core stops on a breakpoint, other cores stop as well.

Multi-core synchronization configuration depends on the architecture you are using, so please refer to the Architecture-specific notes for your particular architecture for configuration details.



Multi-core Trace

If you are using Automatic Analyzer Configuration, winIDEA will automatically trace the specific core depending on the winIDEA instance you are starting the Analyzer session in.

If you wish to trace multiple cores at the same time, you will need to perform Manual Trace Configuration, as the configuration heavily depends on the trace capabilities of the MCU you are using.



More resources

hmtoggle_arrow0 Webinar Timing Analysis Across Two ECUs on two Infineon AURIX TC399XE devices


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