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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.229

Symbols Browser

In this topic:

Download file selection

Type selection

List of matching symbols

Symbol information

Use File suffix on symbol names

Filter field

Display settings


Symbols Browser window displays the list of symbols found in the symbol table of the specified download file, which helps to quickly locate variables, functions and other symbols.Symbol Browser is opened from:

View / Debug / Symbols Browser.

Symbols Browser button SymbolTableButton from the Debug toolbar.




Download file selection

Specify the download file from which the symbol table will be extracted.



Type selection

Symbols Browser offers search through different types of objects - variables, functions, constants, typedefs, types, modules, code labels and macros.



Macros will only be available when #define analysis is enabled for the specific symbol file - Go to go to Debug menu / Configure Session / Applications / Edit button / Symbol Files and double click on the selected file, then hit in Download file dialog / #define tab. More information under chapter Symbol Files.



List of matching symbols

All symbols matching the criteria will be shown. Click on the symbol name for more information.



ELF download file format: The symbols available in this list depend on the debug information in the download file. By default only the symbols which are found in the debug sections are shown.

If some symbols are missing go to go to Debug menu / Configure Session / Applications / Edit button / Symbol Files and hit the Advanced button and enable suitable check boxes. More information in the chapter Symbol Files.



Symbol information

Type - Displays the symbol type

Module - Displays the module in which the symbol is defined

Address - Displays the symbol address

Size - Displays the size of the object

Path - Displays the module path relative to the winIDEA workspace

Value - Displays the macro value

File - Displays the path to the file, in which the macro is defined



Use File suffix on symbol names

When enabled download file name is added to the symbol. This is recommended when multiple download files are used and the same symbol name is used in more than one download file - this way each instance is uniquely identified.



Filter field

The filter offers a quick and efficient way to find the desired symbol. Enter keywords separated by space and symbols containing all of the keywords (in any order) will be displayed.



Display settings

Select to have symbols sorted by address or name. Hex check box is available when browsing constants, where it toggles between decimal and hexadecimal value display.


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