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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.229

Symbols Window

In this topic:

Relative/absolute path display in Modules folder

Disassembly of code to a file


winIDEA allows a display of symbols as well in Symbols window which is opened by View menu / Debug / Symbols. To open the Symbols window select View menu / Debug / Symbols.





In both cases filtering and navigating the content is enabled in the upper line.




Expanding each expansion tree check box shows the content or futher sub-folders:

Modules – Source files

Types – Data types


Globals – Global Variables

Double-click on:

Folder – Expands the folder

File –  Opens the file

Function – Opens the belonging source file in the Editor Window and points to the function



Relative/absolute path display in Modules folder

1. Right-click Modules.

2. Select Module Folders/Relative Path or Absolute Path.




Disassembly of code to a file

This functionality outputs symbols, source lines and disassembly into a text file where it’s possible to search then for a specific symbol, source line or instruction. With this, you can for example find where and which function executes certain  (e.g., wait) instruction.


1. Right click on the Symbol file you wish to dump, and select Save.

2. Enable the Disassemble option In the Config list.






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