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winIDEA Help

Version: 9.21.260

Start an Analyzer Session

In this topic:

Configuration steps




This tutorial shows the most common use cases of starting an Analyzer session, running the application and stopping the Analyzer session.

Analyzer Status bar in the lower right corner indicates whether the Debug Session is established and which is the current state of the microcontroller.


Click to enlarge


Configuration steps

Make sure your winIDEA workspace for tracing is created and debug session established.



Establish a Debug Session.

First establish the Debug Session and then run the application via Debug | Run Control | Run or click the Run button AnalyzerRecording-BeginNewSessionButton in the Debug Toolbar.


winIDEA will show         RUNNING             in the Debug Status bar.




Begin a new Analyzer Session.

Click the Begin New Session button AnalyzerRecording-BeginNewSessionButton in the Analyzer Toolbar.


winIDEA will show         WAITING             in the Analyzer Status bar, until a trigger is signaled:

Trigger Immediately/Start On Trigger:          SAMPLING         

Continuous Mode:              WAITING                 


Refer to Analyzer Status bar for more information.




Stop the Analyzer Session.

The Analyzer session can be terminated several ways:

Automatically, if:

oBlueBox trace buffer / OCTB is filled (except when the continuous mode of operation is used).

oAnalyzer file reaches the continuous mode.


Press Stop AnalyzerRecording-StopButtonvia:

oAnalyzer Toolbar to stop the Analyzer session. Loading and analysis will still be performed.

oDebug Toolbar to stop the CPU, which also stops the Analyzer Session.




Re-analyze (optional).

In case you would like to change some analyzer settings/use different version of winIDEA, you can re-analyze the existing trace data pressing the Re-analyze last session AnalyzerReanaylzeButton button.




Once the Analyzer finishes the analysis, you can view (based on the Analyzer Configuration):

Raw trace data in the Trace Window

Profiler Analysis results  in the Profiler Timeline Window

Coverage measurements in the Coverage Window



Next steps

Profile Code

Profile Data

Profile OS objects



More resources

Analyzer Window - Status bar explanation

Recorder - Trigger options



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